Guide to Engines
General guide to the power sources of the SGV Dagon.
Guide to the Supermatter
The Supermatter Crystal (SM)
The crystal is the source of engineering’s power. It puts out both heat and radiation when energized. Both of which can be turned into electrical energy to power the ship.
As the crystal generates heat, it will pass that heat to the gasses surrounding it in it’s chamber. These gasses are consequently referred to as coolant, regardless of which particular gas you are cooling the SM with.
If this heat cannot be moved away from the SM and into the coolant, it will cause the crystal to start losing it’s integrity, which will eventually cause delamination. This gas is then removed from the chamber and piped into what is called the hot-loop.
The Thermo-Electric Generator (TEG)
The thermo-electric generator takes the heat it receives from the SM’s coolant, and uses it to generate electricity by transferring it to what is referred to as the cold-loop.
It is the differential of heat between the hot-loop and cold-loop that allows the TEG to generate electricity. As the heat is transferred between the two loops during the process, this effectively cools the hot-loop as well, allowing it to better cool the SM itself. No gas is transferred between the hot and cold pipes, only heat.
The Radiators
This is simply an array of pipes that is passed through the hull of the ship, and out into space, these pipes are particularly thermally conductive, allowing the heat from the pipes to be radiated away into space.
These pipes are what keep the cold-loop cold, allowing them to continuously be used for efficient cooling of the hot-loop.
Filters are what are used to remove unwanted contaminants from both loops. The SM emits many types of gasses while energized. These gasses will react with your coolant, creating more heat, and changing your coolant gas into a different type of gas, which then may be filtered out. So it’s important to consider filter settings carefully..